Interpersonal sensitivity, coping ways and automatic thoughts of nursing students before and after a cognitive-behavioral group counseling program.pdf
Interpersonal sensitivity, coping ways and automatic thoughts of nursing students before and after a cognitive-behavioral group counseling program
论趣味运动会在大学生团体辅导中的应用 Application of fun games in the college students group counseling.pdf
论趣味运动会在大学生团体辅导中的应用 Application of fun games in the college students group counseling
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团体心理辅导对大一新生人际容纳的影响 Effect of Group Counseling on Interpersonal Acceptance of Freshman
元认知团体辅导对大学生心理和谐水平的干预效果 Effects of Metacognition Group Counseling on Undergraduate Psychological Harmony.pdf
元认知团体辅导对大学生心理和谐水平的干预效果 Effects of Metacognition Group Counseling on Undergraduate Psychological Harmony
团体心理咨询对高职学生就业压力的干预研究 Intervention Research on Group Counseling for Higher Vocational College Students'Employment Pressure.pdf
团体心理咨询对高职学生就业压力的干预研究 Intervention Research on Group Counseling for Higher Vocational College Students’Employment Pressure
团体心理辅导对高校贫困生心理健康干预的实效探索 Effect of Group Counseling on Improving the Mental Health of Impoverished College Students.pdf
团体心理辅导对高校贫困生心理健康干预的实效探索 Effect of Group Counseling on Improving the Mental Health of Impoverished College Students
Effect of Group Counseling on Quality of Life among Postmenopausal Women in Hamadan, Iran.[2017][J Menopausal Med][10.6118jmm.2017.23.1.49].pdf
Effect of Group Counseling on Quality of Life among Postmenopausal Women in Hamadan, Iran.[2017][J Menopausal Med][10.6118jmm.2017.23.1.49]
团体心理辅导对提高护生职业心理素质的作用 Effect of Group Counseling on Improving the Nursing Occupational Psychological Traits of Nursing Students.pdf
团体心理辅导对提高护生职业心理素质的作用 Effect of Group Counseling on Improving the Nursing Occupational Psychological Traits of Nursing Students
计算机信息技术在心理健康教育课程团体辅导中的实效性 The effectiveness of computer information technology in psychological health education course group counseling in.pdf
计算机信息技术在心理健康教育课程团体辅导中的实效性 The effectiveness of computer information technology in psychological health education course group counseling in
团体辅导对高校贫困生职业决策自我效能感的影响研究 Research on the Influence of Group Counseling on the Career Decision-making Self-efficacy of Impoverished C-ollege Students.pdf
娟(淮安信息职业技术学院江苏淮安 223003)中图分类号:G642.46 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7894(2013)35018802基金项目:本文系江苏省教育厅 2012 年度高校哲学

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