商务英语原文--Moving to the Gulf Coast of Florida - Part 2.txt
On returning home and steeled with resolve to stop daydreaming and do something about moving to Florida, we first resorted to probably one of the most powerful search tools around – the internet. We weren´t the first people to think about immigrating to Florida and wouldn´t be the last. What we found was a massive ex-pat community online via a number of forums, sharing their experiences and general tips on living in Florida that we could tap into. It was a great starting point. By reading what other genuine 
商务英语原文--Moving to the Gulf Coast of Florida - Part 3.txt
Finding someone to help us get an immigrant visa and who understood the process for our country was not as easy as it sounds. Whilst the forums were good for general experiences and culture tips, it was a bit thin on the ground on recommendations of reputable immigration specialists. To be fair we are talking about a few years ago now and these types of forums were in their infancy. What people were really talking about at this time was what not to do as they´d had a bad experience and wanted to warn other
商务英语原文--Statoilhydro Purchase Fields for 21 Billion Dollar in Brazil and Gulf of Mexico.txt
StatoilHydro pays Anadarko 1.8 Billion Dollar for the remaining 50% of the Brazilian Peregrino project and 25% of Kaskida discovery in Gulf of Mexico. This is according to StatoilHydro;s message to the Stock Exchange market today.
Dweller in the Gulf, The.txt
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Yemen Opposition Rejects Gulf Proposal on Power Transfer (11-4-12).txt
Yemen Opposition Rejects Gulf Proposal on Power Transfer (11-4-12)
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National ocean bureau plans to the Gulf of Bohai oil spill accidents initiated on 100 million yuan claims.txt
National ocean bureau plans to the Gulf of Bohai oil spill accidents initiated on 100 million yuan claimsNational ocean bureau plans to the Gulf of Bohai oil spill accidents initiated on 100 million yuan claimsNational ocean bureau plans to the Gulf of Bohai oil spill accidents initiated on 100 million yuan claims

