A simplified physically-based algorithm for surface soil moisture retrieval using AMSR-E data第一期.pdf
Front.Earth Sci.2014,8(3) :427—438 —0412 implified phys ic lly-ba lgorithm ilmois ureret rieva using
APC-Based Fee Schedule 412013 (Excel Ver) - Wyoming Medicaid.xls
ProcedureCode ListMedicare Effective Date: January 2013WyomingMedicaid Implementation Date: April 20
A panel of human cell-based artificial APC enables the….pdf
A panel of human cell-based artificial APC enables the…
Screening for APC Mutations Based on Detection of Truncated APC Proteins.pdf
Screening for APC Mutations Based on Detection of Truncated APC Proteins
Development of an APC-targeted multivalent E2-based vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus types 1 and 2.pdf
Development of an APC-targeted multivalent E2-based vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus types 1 and 2
detection of lt;em gt;apc lt;em gt; mutations by a yeast-based protein truncation test (yptt).pdf
detection of
Development of Point-Array APC Nano-Structures in Nb-Ti Based.pdf
Development of Point‐Array APC Nano‐Structures in Nb‐Ti Based…
A novel SYBR-based duplex qPCR for the detection of gene dosage detection of an APC large deletion in a familial adenomatous polyposis patient with an unusual phenotype.doc
A novel SYBR-based duplex qPCR for the detection of gene dosage detection of an APC large deletion in a familial adenomatous polyposis patient with an unusual phenotype

