Morphology and comparative ecology of the fairy ring fungi, Vascellum curtisii and Bovista dermoxantha, on turf of bentgrass, bluegrass, and Zoysiagrass.pdf
Morphology and comparative ecology of the fairy ring fungi, Vascellum curtisii and Bovista dermoxantha, on turf of bentgrass, bluegrass, and Zoysiagrass
advances in creeping bentgrass late-season nitrogen fertility and fairway establishment.pdf
advances in creeping bentgrass late-season nitrogen fertility and fairway establishment
lateral movement of herbicides on golf course fairways and effects on bentgrass greens.pdf
lateral movement of herbicides on golf course fairways and effects on bentgrass greens
comparing the non-target effects of dmi fungicides on creeping bentgrass putting greens.pdf
comparing the non-target effects of dmi fungicides on creeping bentgrass putting greens
population dynamics of rhizoctonia species in tall fescue and creeping bentgrass in response to disease management programs.pdf
population dynamics of rhizoctonia species in tall fescue and creeping bentgrass in response to disease management programs
development and evaluation of a weather-based epidemiological model for the prediction of brown patch in creeping bentgrass.pdf
development and evaluation of a weather-based epidemiological model for the prediction of brown patch in creeping bentgrass
seasonal development of dollar spot epidemics in maryland and nitrogen effects on fungicide performance in creeping bentgrass.pdf
seasonal development of dollar spot epidemics in maryland and nitrogen effects on fungicide performance in creeping bentgrass

