NT Interlinear Greek English. Apostolic Bible Polyglot.pdf
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The Influence of the Myths of Greek and Roman on English希腊罗马神话对英语习语的影响.doc
英语习语是英语发展过程中沉积下来的,使英语词汇更丰富,更富有活力。 它包括英语语言所特有的固定的词组和短句,它的结构灵活,可长可短,也言简意赅,意味深长。本文简单介绍了它的来源之一,希腊罗马神话对英语习语的影响。希腊罗马神话是古代文化重要的组成部分,对整个西方文化产生了广泛深远的影响,大量源于希腊神话的词语,特别一些习语通过文学作品进入英美社会生活,不但增加了英语的词汇量,而且增强了英语的表达力。Learning English is not only studying language itself, but also understanding its culture background. English idioms are an important part of the English language, it is the epitome of the language. It includes the special and fixed phrase and short sentences that only the English language has. The structure of English idioms is flexible, it can be long or short, and it is compendious. The article lets us know one of its origination: the influence of the Myths of Greek and Roman on English. The Greek and Roman mythology is an important part of the ancient culture that has vast and deep influence on the whole western culture. So many expressions from myths of Greek and Roman, specially some idioms, getting into the society life of Britain and America, through the works of literature and ar
The Influences of Roman and Greek Myths on English Idioms.doc
In the modern society, a country or nation must communicate with other countries or nations for surviving and development. For this reason, we must learn the languages of other countries or nations. In the course of learning foreign languages, a problem appeared before us: We have remembered many words and have learned the rules of the languages, but why do we make many mistakes (can’t understand or the other meanings of the word)? At last, we found the reasons of this problem; the reason is that we don’t know the background of the language and the culture expressed by the language. For this reason, it is need to learn the background of the language. Ancient Roman and Greek civilization is the origin of the western civilization. It has produced profound influence upon western civilization. The Greco-Roman world pervades every western and many non-western societies; it includes literature, arts, architecture and languages, etc. The Roman and Greek myths are vital in Greco-Roman wor
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Romanculture Westernculture Abstract: Western culture itself worldculture, twomajor components, Roma
