Case of gluteal haematoma in the setting of dual antiplatelet overlapping with tumoural calcinosis of the hip.pdf
Case of gluteal haematoma in the setting of dual antiplatelet overlapping with tumoural calcinosis of the hip
systematic review of current randomised control trials in chronic subdural haematoma and proposal for an international collaborative approach.[2020.pdf
systematic review of current randomised control trials in chronic subdural haematoma and proposal for an international collaborative approach.[2020
Hyperacute spinal subdural haematoma as a complication of lumbar spinal anaesthesia MRI.pdf
Hyperacute spinal subdural haematoma as a complication of lumbar spinal anaesthesia MRI
Conservative laparoscopic treatment of post-caesarean section bladder flap haematoma two case reports.pdf
Conservative laparoscopic treatment of post-caesarean section bladder flap haematoma two case reports
Perirenal Haematoma after Ureteroscopy a systematic review.Perirenal血肿后输尿管镜系统回顾.pdf
Perirenal Haematoma after Ureteroscopy a systematic review.Perirenal血肿后输尿管镜系统回顾
management of pinna of haematoma study (maphaes)_ a multicentre retrospective observational study.[2017][clin otolaryngol][10.1111_coa.12858].pdf
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intracranial subdural haematoma following neuraxial anaesthesia in the obstetric population a literature review with analysis of 56 reported cases外文医学:颅内硬膜下血肿后椎管内麻醉在产科人口有56例外文医学分析文献综述.pdf
intracranial subdural haematoma following neuraxial anaesthesia in the obstetric population a literature review with analysis of 56 reported cases外文医学:颅内硬膜下血肿后椎管内麻醉在产科人口有56例外文医学分析文献综述
Spontaneous pure subacute subdural haematoma without subarachnoid haemorrhage caused by rupture of middle cerebral artery aneurysm.pdf
Spontaneous pure subacute subdural haematoma without subarachnoid haemorrhage caused by rupture of middle cerebral artery aneurysm
external quilting_ new technique to avoid haematoma in gynaecomastia surgery.[2020][aesthetic plast surg].pdf
external quilting_ new technique to avoid haematoma in gynaecomastia surgery.[2020][aesthetic plast surg]
watch-and-wait strategy for type a intramural haematoma and acute aortic dissection with thrombosed false lumen of the ascending aorta_ a japanese.pdf
etal. Watch-and-wait strategy intramuralhaematoma andacute aortic dissection thrombosedfalse lumen a

