翻译专业英语Synthesis of ZrSiO4 and Coesite in SiO2-ZrO2.doc
翻译专业英语Synthesis of ZrSiO4 and Coesite in SiO2-ZrO2翻译专业英语Synthesis of ZrSiO4 and Coesite in SiO2-ZrO2翻译专业英语Synthesis of ZrSiO4 and Coesite in SiO2-ZrO2
Within the Coesite Stability Field - a HP-Study - DESY.pdf
Within the Coesite Stability Field - a HP-Study - DESY
Fluid inclusions hidden in coesite-bearing zircons in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from southwestern Sulu terrane in eastern China.pdf
Fluid inclusions hidden in coesite-bearing zircons in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from southwestern Sulu terrane in eastern China
UHP metamorphic evolution and SHRIMP geochronology of a coesite-bearing meta-ophiolitic gabbro in the North Qaidam, NW China.pdf
UHP metamorphic evolution and SHRIMP geochronology of a coesite-bearing meta-ophiolitic gabbro in the North Qaidam, NW China
U-Pb age of the coesite-bearing eclogite from NW Borborema Province, NE Brazil Implications for western Gondwana assembly英文资料.pdf
U–Pb age of the coesite-bearing eclogite from NW Borborema Province, NE Brazil Implications for western Gondwana assembly英文资料
A modeling of the structure and compressibility of quartz with a molecular potential and its transferability to cristobalite and coesite.pdf
A modeling of the structure and compressibility of quartz with a molecular potential and its transferability to cristobalite and coesite
A transitional eclogite- to high pressure granulite-facies overprint on coesite-eclogite at Taohang in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane, Eastern China.pdf
A transitional eclogite- to high pressure granulite-facies overprint on coesite–eclogite at Taohang in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane, Eastern China
Coesite inclusions and prograde compositional zonation of garnet in whiteschist of the HP-UHPM Kokchetav massif, Kazakhstan a record of progressive UHP metamorphism.pdf
.Lithos52 2000 215–233www.elsevier.nlrlocaterlithosCoesite inclusions progradecompositional zonation
Petrology of HP metamorphic veins in coesite-bearing eclogite from western Tianshan, China Fluid processes and elemental mobility during exhumation in a cold subduction zone.pdf
Petrology of HP metamorphic veins in coesite-bearing eclogite from western Tianshan, China Fluid processes and elemental mobility during exhumation in a cold subduction zone

