quantitative investigation of reproduction of gonosomal condensed chromatin during trophoblast cell polyploidization and endoreduplication in the east-european field vole microtus rossiaemeridionalis.pdf
quantitative investigation of reproduction of gonosomal condensed chromatin during trophoblast cell polyploidization and endoreduplication in the east-european field vole microtus rossiaemeridionalis
recurrence of sox2 anophthalmia syndrome with gonosomal mosaicism in a phenotypically normal mother.pdf
recurrence of sox2 anophthalmia syndrome with gonosomal mosaicism in a phenotypically normal mother
brief report first identification of intrafamilial recurrence of blau syndrome due to gonosomal nod2 mosaicism.pdf
brief report first identification of intrafamilial recurrence of blau syndrome due to gonosomal nod2 mosaicism
Chinese family with diffuse oesophageal leiomyomatosis a new COL4A5COL4A6 deletion and a case of gonosomal mosaicism.pdf
Chinese family with diffuse oesophageal leiomyomatosis a new COL4A5COL4A6 deletion and a case of gonosomal mosaicism
Trinucleotide polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene of ICSI offspring with de novo gonosomal abnormalities.pdf
Trinucleotide polymorphism in the androgen receptor gene of ICSI offspring with de novo gonosomal abnormalities
whole-genome chromosome distribution during nuclear fragmentation of giant trophoblast cells of microtus rossiaemeridionalis studied with the use of gonosomal chromatin arrangement.pdf
whole-genome chromosome distribution during nuclear fragmentation of giant trophoblast cells of microtus rossiaemeridionalis studied with the use of gonosomal chromatin arrangement
Low-Level Gonosomal Mosaicism in Women Undergoing ICSI Cycles.pdf
Low-Level Gonosomal Mosaicism in Women Undergoing ICSI Cycles
Gonosomal algebra.pdf
Gonosomal algebra
a possible explanation for the low incidence of gonosomal aneuploidy among the offspring of triplo-x individuals.pdf
a possible explanation for the low incidence of gonosomal aneuploidy among the offspring of triplo-x individuals

