stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness of graduate counseling students the effectiveness of group counseling and exercise.pdf
stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness of graduate counseling students the effectiveness of group counseling and exercise
the efficacy of equine assisted group counseling with at-risk children and adolescents.pdf
the efficacy of equine assisted group counseling with at-risk children and adolescents
The effects of two group counseling interventions on arab….pdf
The effects of two group counseling interventions on arab…
Effects of a group counseling career intervention on the….pdf
Effects of a group counseling career intervention on the…
Religious and spiritual issues in group counseling Clients´….pdf
Religious and spiritual issues in group counseling Clients´…
multicultural group screening form (mgsf) development of a pre-group screening form for use with diverse groups at university counseling centers.pdf
multicultural group screening form (mgsf) development of a pre-group screening form for use with diverse groups at university counseling centers
efficacy of individual counseling versus group program in promoting healthier lifestyle behaviours among children (seven to 11 years old) who are overweight.pdf
efficacy of individual counseling versus group program in promoting healthier lifestyle behaviours among children (seven to 11 years old) who are overweight
applying career development theory to counseling.ppt
applying career development theory to counseling
综合咨询的艺术 The Art of Integrative Counseling.pdf
Students enrich their personal therapeutic style as Corey demonstrates -- using the case of Ruth -- how concepts and techniques from a variety of theoretical perspectives can be successfully incorporated into different phases of the counseling process. In Becoming the Client sections, students are invited to put themselves in the shoes of the client while Dr. Corey applies the topics of each chapter to them. This edition also includes new material in every chapter, as well as key findings from recent research.

向豆丁求助:有没有group counseling?
