Effects of osmotic stress on polar auxin transport in em class=a-plus-plusAvenaem mesocotyl sections.pdf
Effects of osmotic stress on polar auxin transport in em class=a-plus-plusAvenaem mesocotyl sections
Ethylene-Inhibited Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis Promotes Mesocotyl_Coleoptile Elongation of Etiolated Rice Seedlings.pdf
Ethylene-Inhibited Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis Promotes Mesocotyl_Coleoptile Elongation of Etiolated Rice SeedlingsEthylene-Inhibited Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis Promotes Mesocotyl_Coleoptile Elongation of Etiolated Rice SeedlingsEthylene-Inhibited Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis Promotes Mesocotyl_Coleoptile Elongation of Etiolated Rice Seedlings
Mapping QTL controlling maize deep-seeding tolerance-related traits and confirmation of a major QTL for mesocotyl length.pdf
Mapping QTL controlling maize deep-seeding tolerance-related traits and confirmation of a major QTL for mesocotyl length
mesocotyl elongation is essential for seedling emergence under deep-seeding condition in rice.[2017][rice (n y)][10.1186s12284-017-0173-2].pdf
mesocotyl elongation is essential for seedling emergence under deep-seeding condition in rice.[2017][rice (n y)][10.1186s12284-017-0173-2]
水稻根茎发生机制初探 Pilot Study on the Mesocotyl of Paddy Seedling.pdf
水稻根茎发生机制初探 Pilot Study on the Mesocotyl of Paddy Seedling
regulation of the cellulose synthase-like gene family by light in the maize mesocotyl.pdf
regulation of the cellulose synthase-like gene family by light in the maize mesocotyl
Members of the c1pl1 Regulatory Gene Family Mediate the Response of Maize Aleurone and Mesocotyl to Different Light Qualities and Cytokinins.pdf
Members of the c1pl1 Regulatory Gene Family Mediate the Response of Maize Aleurone and Mesocotyl to Different Light Qualities and Cytokinins
Growth, anatomy and morphology of the mesocotyl and the growth of appendages of the wild oat (em class=a-plus-plusAvena fatuaem L.) seedling.pdf
Growth, anatomy and morphology of the mesocotyl and the growth of appendages of the wild oat (em class=a-plus-plusAvena fatuaem L.) seedling

