Reducing the Branch Penalty of Mispredicted Short Forward Branches.pdf
- Many new high-performance microprocessor designs are incorporating much shorter clocks, deeper pipelines and increased support for multiple instruction issue. The complexities of superscalar issue, however, often require the addition of extra pipeline stages before the exe- cution stage. Having multi-cycle decode and issue stages intensies the problem of pipeline bubbles due to changes in control ow - while branch prediction can keep the pipeline full of instructions when a branch outcome is correctly predicted, there can be a substantial penalty for ushing instructions and then restoring the proper sequence of instructions on a misprediction. In this paper, we show that a large percentage of cycles lost due to incorrectly predicted branches are caused by short forward branches, we examine the inefciencies of pipeline ush- ing found in current prediction implementations, and we propose some new techniques which can reduce the branch penalty for a signicant portion of mispredicted branches. Ou
Identification and correction of abnormal, incomplete and mispredicted proteins in public databases.doc
- aticsBio CentralResearch article abnormal, inco mispredictedproteins publicdatabases Alinda Nagy, Hd
The Effect of Executing Mispredicted Load Instructions in a….pdf
- ExecutingMispredicted Load Instructions SpeculativeMultithreaded Architecture Resit Sendag, Ying Che
exploiting the prefetching effect provided by executing mispredicted load instructions.pdf
- B.Monien R.Feldmann (Eds.): Euro-Par 2002, LNCS 2400, pp. 468–480. Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg
Exaggerated, Mispredicted, and Misplaced When It s the….pdf
- Exaggerated,Mispredicted, GiftExchangesYan ZhangNational University SingaporeNicholasEpleyUniversity