Correct Alignment of a Return-Address-Stack after Call and Return Mispredictions.pdf
- It is accepted that the alignment of a return-address- stack can be preserved by checkpointing on branches and recovering on branch mispredictions the top-of- stack pointer. However, virtually all published litera- ture, is vague or proposes sub-optimal algorithms on how to repair the alignment of a return-address-stack on call and return mispredictions. Possible manifesta- tions of this ambiguity are lower performing implemen- tations of return-address-stack mechanisms in proces- sors and simulators. This paper suggests that on call and return mispredictions the recovered top-of-stack pointer should point to the next and previous stack po- sition respectively relative to the checkpointed top-of- stack pointer. It is established experimentally that the proposed method can improve the performance, over an other- wise identical processor conguration, on the average by 2% and by as much as 10%. This corresponds to a drop in return-address mispredictions by 40%, from 11.3% downto 6.7%
Miscalibration, Missing Attributions, and Mispredictions An Exploration of Momentum, Efficacy, and.pdf
- Miscalibration, Missing Attributions, and Mispredictions An Exploration of Momentum, Efficacy, and
Greece in Recession Economic predictions, mispredictions and….pdf
- Greece in Recession Economic predictions, mispredictions and…
Dataflow analysis of branch mispredictions and its application….pdf
- Dataflow analysis of branch mispredictions and its application…
a taxonomy of branch mispredictions, and alloyed prediction as a robust solution to wrong-h.pdf
- a taxonomy of branch mispredictions, and alloyed prediction as a robust solution to wrong-h
how branch mispredictions affect quicksort.pdf
- how branch mispredictions affect quicksort
Greece in Recession Economic predictions, mispredictions,….pdf
- Greece in Recession Economic predictions, mispredictions,…