novel trichoderma polysporum strain for the biocontrol of pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungal etiologic agent of bat why white nose syndrome.pdf
RESEARCHARTICLENovelTrichoderma polysporumStrain FungalEtiologic Agent ofBat White Nose SyndromeTao
the effects of cutaneous fatty acids on the growth of pseudogymnoascus destructans, the etiological agent of white-nose .皮肤的影响脂肪酸的成长pseudogymnoascus de.pdf
RESEARCHARTICLETheEffects CutaneousFatty Acids Pseudogymnoascusdestructans,the Etiological Agent Whi
Antibodies to Pseudogymnoascus destructans are not sufficient for protection against white-nose syndrome.pdf
Antibodies to Pseudogymnoascus destructans are not sufficient for protection against white-nose syndrome
White-nose syndrome without borders Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection tolerated in Europe and Palearctic Asia but not in North America.pdf
White-nose syndrome without borders Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection tolerated in Europe and Palearctic Asia but not in North America
Phylogenetic evaluation of Geomyces and allies reveals no close relatives of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, comb. nov., in bat hibernacula of eastern North America.pdf
Phylogenetic evaluation of Geomyces and allies reveals no close relatives of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, comb. nov., in bat hibernacula of eastern North America
microbial inhibitors of the fungus pseudogymnoascus destructans,the causal agent of white-nose syndrome in bats.[2017][plos one][10.1371journal.po.pdf
microbial inhibitors of the fungus pseudogymnoascus destructans,the causal agent of white-nose syndrome in bats.[2017][plos one][10.1371journal.po

