



数论天使创建于2011-09-18 最后编辑: 2018-11-23 10:56 1,353阅读 5人收藏
共 26 个文档
Some aspects and applications of the Riemann Hypothesis over finite fields 26p
pdf Some aspects and applications of the Riemann Hypothesis o..
These are the slides of my talk for the Verbania Conference on the Riemann Hypothesis in April 2009.
Les nombres premiers 38p
pdf Les nombres premiers
In March 2009, I gave a short lecture on prime numbers for the participants of the Swiss Mathematical Olympiad. The corresponding slides are in French..
Some local limit theorems in probability and number theory, 2012 37p
pdf Some local limit theorems in probability and number theory..
These are the slides of a talk at the conference in honor of F. Delbaen´s 60th birthday, held at ETH Zürich in September 2012.
The geometry and probability of exponential sums 85p
pdf The geometry and probability of exponential sums
These are slides for Geneva Colloquium talk I gave on November 6, 2014.
A geometric interpretation of additive problems for primes 92p
pdf A geometric interpretation of additive problems for primes
These are the slides for the day of algebraic and arithmetic geometry, May 20, 2016, in Berlin.
Some functional limit theorems in number theory, 2016 67p
pdf Some functional limit theorems in number theory, 2016
These are the slides for the fourth Strasbourg-Zürich analysis and probability meeting, November 3, 2016.
201807.05890v1 Mertens Sums requiring Fewer Values of the Möbius function 14p
pdf 201807.05890v1 Mertens Sums requiring Fewer Values of th..
We discuss certain identities involving μ(n) and M(x)=∑n≤xμ(n), the functions of Mobius and Mertens.
pdf 201309.7482v1 MERTENS´S THEOREM FOR SPLIT..
201807.07241v1 On Menon-Sury´s identity with several Dirichlet characters 11p
pdf 201807.07241v1 On Menon-Sury´s identity with severa..
Nelen, I.F.M.M., Twin Prime Numbers, Bounded Gaps Between Primes 38p
pdf Nelen, I.F.M.M., Twin Prime Numbers, Bounded Gaps Bet..
In this thesis an in-depth explanation will be given of the proof Maynard gave in his article. In which the steps of the proofs will be expanded. He..
200912.4908v3 Inequities in the Shanks-Renyi Prime Number Race - An asymptotic formula for the densities 76p
pdf 200912.4908v3 Inequities in the Shanks-Renyi Prime Numbe..
Chebyshev was the first to observe a bias in the distribution of primes in residue classes. The general phenomenon is that if a is a nonsquare\mod q ..
201803.08964v1 The local distribution of the number of small prime factors - variation of the classical theme 33p
pdf 201803.08964v1 The local distribution of the number of sma..
We obtain uniform estimates for Nk(x,y), the number of positive integers n up to x for which ωy(n)=k, where ωy(n) is the number of ..
201711.08539v1 Extreme biases in prime number races with many contestants 30p
pdf 201711.08539v1 Extreme biases in prime number races with m..
We continue to investigate the race between prime numbers in many residue classes modulo q, assuming the standard conjectures GRH and LI. <br/>We show ..
Different Approaches to the Distribution of Primes 25p
pdf Different Approaches to the Distribution of Primes
In this lecture celebrating the 150th anniversary of the seminal paper of Riemann, we discuss various approaches to interesting questions concerning the dist..
n阶欧拉函数的计算公式 4p
pdf n阶欧拉函数的计算公式