Topic 3 第三讲: OpenWeb: Expanding access to Digital Collections ....ppt
OpenWeb: Expanding access to Digital Collections 开放网络: 扩展电子馆藏的使用 .... Monitor how users access your site through Google 监察使用者如何透过谷 ...
世界经典名枪集锦Best Guns Collections.ppt
世界经典名枪集锦Best Guns Collections(精品)
珠宝系列手冊每年都会重点展示该年度的新款珠宝和钟表系列,Tiffany Celebration Rings,Tiffany Atlas系列,Tiffany Mark® 系列, Tiffany Jazz™系列,以及蒂芙尼著名设计师艾尔莎∙柏瑞蒂(Elsa Peretti)帕洛玛∙毕加索(Paloma Picasso)等人的珠宝设计作品。
VisionPlus Collections Tracking, and Analysis - CTA 8.14 Scre.pdf
Collections Tracking, and Analysis
4 Cross-Reference Tables 4–1
Directories and main menu. 4–1
Screen ID cross-reference . 4–2
Screen ID functional cross-reference 4–5
5 OC1I: File Set Change Utility Panel . 5–1
OC1I00—File Set Change Utility Panel . 5–2
6 OCAA: Account Add . 6–1
OCAA00—Account Add . 6–2
7 OCAB: Account Browse . 7–1
OCAB00—Account Browse Selection Options. 7–2
OCAB01—Account Browse Detail 7–6
8 OCAI: Account Information 8–1
OCAI01—Account Information . 8–2
OCAI01 Panel 1—Customer Information 8–10
OCAI01 Panel 2—Delinquency History 8–13
OCAI01 Panel 3—24-Month Profile 8–16
OCAI01 Panel 4—Customer Cross-Reference Data 8–20
OCAI01 Panel 5—Co-owner Information 8–21
OCAI01 Panel 6—User Codes, Dates, Amounts 8–23
9 OCAL: Account Locate. 9–1
OCAL00—Account Locate . 9–2
OCAL01—Account Information 9–3
10 OCAO: Work Queue Selection 10–1
OCAO00—Work Queue Selection . 10–2
OCAO01—Account Information . 10–5
11 OCAR: Accoun
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灯饰设计 Cyan Design 2009-2010 Lighting Collections(上).pdf
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IBM Tutorial Java Collections Framework.pdf
IBM Tutorial Java Collections Framework
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