Vocalization of broilers can be used to identify their sex and genetic strain.pdf
Vocalization of broilers can be used to identify their sex and genetic strain
Acetylcholine injection into the amygdala elicits vocalization in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa).pdf
Acetylcholine injection into the amygdala elicits vocalization in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa)
Control of vocalization at utterance onset and mid-utterance Different mechanisms for different goals.pdf
Control of vocalization at utterance onset and mid-utterance Different mechanisms for different goals
Analysis of Normal and Denerved Laryngeal Vocalization in Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus).pdf
Analysis of Normal and Denerved Laryngeal Vocalization in Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus)
social transmission of fear in rats the role of 22-khz ultrasonic distress vocalization.pdf
social transmission of fear in rats the role of 22-khz ultrasonic distress vocalization
Efficiency of distinct data mining algorithms for classifying stress level in piglets from their vocalization.pdf
Efficiency of distinct data mining algorithms for classifying stress level in piglets from their vocalization
Quinpirole-induced 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalization in the rat Role of D2 and D3 dopamine receptors.pdf
Quinpirole-induced 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalization in the rat Role of D2 and D3 dopamine receptors
Kind granddaughters of angry grandmothers the effect of domestication on vocalization in cross-bred silver foxes.pdf
Kind granddaughters of angry grandmothers the effect of domestication on vocalization in cross-bred silver foxes

