Effect of feeding forest foliages, rice straw and concentrate-based total mixed ration on nutrient utilization and growth in mithun (Bos frontalis).pdf
Effect of feeding forest foliages, rice straw and concentrate-based total mixed ration on nutrient utilization and growth in mithun (Bos frontalis)
Frontalis Muscle Flap Suspension Surgery for the Treatment of Blepharoptosis Based on the Anatomical Study of the Frontal Muscle Nerve in the Third of the ….pdf
Frontalis Muscle Flap Suspension Surgery for the Treatment of Blepharoptosis Based on the Anatomical Study of the Frontal Muscle Nerve in the Third of the …
Report of Amblyomma testudinarium in mithuns(Bos frontalis)from eastern Mizoram(India)Journal of parasitic diseases_official organ of the Indian.pdf
Report of Amblyomma testudinarium in mithuns(Bos frontalis)from eastern Mizoram(India)Journal of parasitic diseases_official organ of the Indianof,in, ,Bos,from,bos,mizo
, dendroctonus maxicanus first recorded in the united states and co-occurrence with the southern pine beetle - dendroctonus frontalis (coleoptera scolytidae or curculionidae scolytinae)...pdf
, dendroctonus maxicanus first recorded in the united states and co-occurrence with the southern pine beetle - dendroctonus frontalis (coleoptera scolytidae or curculionidae scolytinae)(199.5kb)
intra-eyebrow frontalis suspension using inverted y-shaped short autogenous fascia lata for blepharoptosis with poor levator function:眉额肌悬吊术采用倒y形内短自体阔筋膜与上睑提肌功能差的上睑下垂.pdf
Intra-eyebrowfrontalis suspension usinginverted Y-shaped short autogenous fascialata poorlevatorfunc
Ten Years of Results of Modified Frontalis Muscle ….pdf
Ten Years of Results of Modified Frontalis Muscle …
identifying and classifying hyperostosis frontalis interna via computerized tomography.pdf
identifying and classifying hyperostosis frontalis interna via computerized tomography

