Reproduction of the opossums Micoureus paraguayanus and Philander frenata in a fragmented Atlantic Forest landscape in Brazil Is seasonal reproduction a general rule for Neotropical marsupials.pdf
Reproduction of the opossums Micoureus paraguayanus and Philander frenata in a fragmented Atlantic Forest landscape in Brazil Is seasonal reproduction a general rule for Neotropical marsupials
atlantic small-mammal a dataset of communities of rodents and marsupials of the atlantic forests of south america.[2017][ecology][10.1002ecy.1893].pdf
atlantic small-mammal a dataset of communities of rodents and marsupials of the atlantic forests of south america.[2017][ecology][10.1002ecy.1893]
Torpor in marsupials Recent advances.pdf
Torpor in marsupials Recent advances
Structure and expression of two nuclear receptor genes in marsupials insights into the evolution of the antisense overlap between the α-thyroid hormone receptor and Rev-erbα.pdf
Structure and expression of two nuclear receptor genes in marsupials insights into the evolution of the antisense overlap between the α-thyroid hormone receptor and Rev-erbα
Wombats - Australia's Mysterious Marsupials.pdf
Wombats – Australia’s Mysterious Marsupials
phylogeny and the selectivity of extinction in australian marsupials.pdf
phylogeny and the selectivity of extinction in australian marsupials
Nematode parasites of marsupials and small rodents from the….pdf
Nematode parasites of marsupials and small rodents from the…

