Sub-100-ps structural dynamics of horse heart myoglobin probed by time-resolved X-ray solution scattering.pdf
Sub-100-ps structural dynamics of horse heart myoglobin probed by time-resolved X-ray solution scattering
Chapter 1 - Mammalian Myoglobin as a Model for Understanding Ligand Affinities and Discrimination in Heme Proteins.pdf
Chapter 1 - Mammalian Myoglobin as a Model for Understanding Ligand Affinities and Discrimination in Heme Proteins
synthesis and spectroscopic properties of reconstituted zinc xf8ff;myoglobin appending a dna-binding platinum(ii) complex.pdf
synthesis and spectroscopic properties of reconstituted zinc
Protein dynamics in an intermediate state of myoglobin optical absorption, resonance Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray structure analysis.pdf
Protein dynamics in an intermediate state of myoglobin optical absorption, resonance Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray structure analysis
danhong injection protects against hypertension-induced renal injury via down-regulation of myoglobin expression in spontaneously hypertensive rats.pdf
danhong injection protects against hypertension-induced renal injury via down-regulation of myoglobin expression in spontaneously hypertensive rats
A quantitative method to assess muscle tissue oxygenation in vivo by monitoring 1H nuclear magnetic resonance myoglobin resonances.pdf
A quantitative method to assess muscle tissue oxygenation in vivo by monitoring 1H nuclear magnetic resonance myoglobin resonances
Effects of urea and acetic acid on the heme axial ligation structure of ferric myoglobin at very acidic pH.pdf
Effects of urea and acetic acid on the heme axial ligation structure of ferric myoglobin at very acidic pH

