Geochemistry of komatiites from the Tipasjrvi, Kuhmo, Suomussalmi, Ilomantsi and Tulppio greenstone belts, Finland Implications for tectonic setting and Ni sulphide prospectivity.pdf
Geochemistry of komatiites from the Tipasjrvi, Kuhmo, Suomussalmi, Ilomantsi and Tulppio greenstone belts, Finland Implications for tectonic setting and Ni sulphide prospectivity
Structural overprints of early Paleozoic arc-related intrusive rocks in the Chinese Central Tianshan Implications for Paleozoic accretionary tectonics in SW Central Asian Orogenic Belts.pdf
Structural overprints of early Paleozoic arc-related intrusive rocks in the Chinese Central Tianshan Implications for Paleozoic accretionary tectonics in SW Central Asian Orogenic Belts
modern and ancient fluvial megafans in the foreland basin system of the central andes, southern bolivia implications for drainage network evolution in fold-thrust belts.pdf
modern and ancient fluvial megafans in the foreland basin system of the central andes, southern bolivia implications for drainage network evolution in fold-thrust belts
Geophysical testing of balanced cross-sections of fold-thrust belts with potential field data an example from the Fleurieu Arc of the Delamerian Orogen, South Australia.pdf
Geophysical testing of balanced cross-sections of fold–thrust belts with potential field data an example from the Fleurieu Arc of the Delamerian Orogen, South Australia
late paleozoic low-angle southward-dipping thrust in the zuunharaa area, mongolia tectonic implications for the geological structures in the sayan-baikal and hangai-daur belts.pdf
late paleozoic low-angle southward-dipping thrust in the züünharaa area, mongolia tectonic implications for the geological structures in the sayan-baikal and hangai-daur belts
Structural overprints of early Paleozoic arc-related intrusive rocks in the Chinese Central Tianshan Implications for Paleozoic accretionary tectonics in SW Central Asian Orogenic Belts英文资料.pdf
Structural overprints of early Paleozoic arc-related intrusive rocks in the Chinese Central Tianshan Implications for Paleozoic accretionary tectonics in SW Central Asian Orogenic Belts英文资料
The blueschist-eclogite transition in the Alpine chain P-T paths and the role of slow-spreading extensional structures in the evolution of HP-LT mountain belts.pdf
The blueschist–eclogite transition in the Alpine chain P–T paths and the role of slow-spreading extensional structures in the evolution of HP–LT mountain belts
Large-scale displacement along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan evidence from SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of granites and gneisses from the South Kitakami and paleo-Ryoke belts.pdf
Large-scale displacement along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan evidence from SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating of granites and gneisses from the South Kitakami and paleo-Ryoke belts
the art of data analysis (how to answer almost any question using basic statistics) asteroid belts and spandex cars using descriptive statistics to answer your most weighty questions.pdf
DearMom,I hope you’re doing well. haven’theard from you overtwo weeks, worryyou’re still mad meabout

