The NVAX and NVAX+ High-performance VAX Microprocessors.pdf
The NVAX and NVAX+ CPU chips are high-performance VAX microprocessors that use techniques traditionally associated with RISC microprocessor designs to dramatically improve VAX performance. The two chips provide an upgrade path for existing VAX systems and a migration path from VAX systems to the new Alpha AXP systems. The design evolved throughout the project as time- to-market, performance, and complexity trade-offs were made. Special design features address the issues of debug, maintenance, and analysis.
OpenVMS Alpha & VAX Product Description.pdf
OpenVMS Alpha & VAX Product Description
Design of the VAX 4000 Model 400, 500, and 600 Systems.pdf
The design of Digital´s NVAX CPU chip provided the opportunity to bring RISC-class performance to deskside CISC VAX computer systems. The new VAX 4000 Model 400, 500, and 600 low-end systems take full advantage of the performance capabilities of the NVAX microprocessor. The three systems offer from two to four times the performance of the previous top-of- the-line VAX 4000 Model 300 system in the same deskside enclosure. To achieve this increased performance, Digital´s systems engineers designed a new high-performance memory controller chip as part of the CPU module, whose basic design is shared by the three systems. In addition, a high- performance memory module and a VLSI bus adapter chip were designed.
750计算机上运行 的应用程序,估计这个程序的长度为10000条FORTRAN指令.如果平均每人每天可以开 发出10条FORTRAN指令,请问: (1)开发这个应用程序将用多少人日 (2)假设程序员
The VAX 6000 Model 600 Processor.pdf
The Model 600 is the newest member of the VAX 6000 series of XMI2-based, multiprocessing computers. The Model 600 processor integrates easily into existing platforms. Each processor module provides 40.5 SPECmarks of performance made possible by the NVAX CPU chip. The major VLSI interface chip, called NEXMI, was created using Digital´s internal CMOS-3 design and layout process. The ability to design and fabricate the interface chip internally was critical to delivering a working CPU prototype module on schedule. The aggressive module timing goals were met by employing previous module experience in combination with extensive SPICE simulation.
The Design of the VAX 4000 Model 100 and MicroVAX 3100 Model 90 Desktop Systems.pdf
The MicroVAX 3100 Model 90 and VAX 4000 Model 100 systems were designed to meet the growing demand for low-cost, high-performance desktop servers and timesharing systems. Both systems are based on the NVAX CPU chip and a set of VLSI support chips, which provide outstanding CPU and I/O performance. Housed in like desktop enclosures, the two systems provide 24 times the CPU performance of the original VAX-11/780 computer. With over 2.5 gigabytes of disk storage and 128 megabytes of main memory, the complete base system fits in less than one cubic foot of space. The system design was highly leveraged from existing designs to help meet an aggressive schedule.
oracle rdb logminer - openvms and vax system ….ppt
oracle rdb logminer - openvms and vax system …
A One-Dimensional Thermal Model for the VAX Multi Chip Units.pdf
A One-Dimensional Thermal Model for the VAX Multi Chip Units

