suppression of glucan, water dikinase in the endosperm alters wheat grain properties, germination and coleoptile growth - bowerman.pdf
glucan,water dikinase endospermalterswheat grain properties, germination coleoptilegrowthAndrewF. Bo
use of a large multiparent wheat mapping population in genomic dissection of coleoptile and seedling growth - rebetzke.pdf
use of a large multiparent wheat mapping population in genomic dissection of coleoptile and seedling growth - rebetzke
The Effects of Dwarfing Genes RhtB1bRhtD1band Rht8 with Different Sensitivity to GA3 on the Coleoptile Length and Plant Height of Wheat.pdf
The Effects of Dwarfing Genes RhtB1bRhtD1band Rht8 with Different Sensitivity to GA3 on the Coleoptile Length and Plant Height of WheatThe
Comparative analysis of anoxic coleoptile elongation in rice….pdf
Comparative analysis of anoxic coleoptile elongation in rice…
growth-substance relations in the avena coleoptile, studied by means of the geotropic response - wit.pdf
growth-substance relations in the avena coleoptile, studied by means of the geotropic response - wit
the effect of indole acetic acid and other growth promoting substances on the endogenous respiration of the avena coleoptile - anker.pdf
the effect of indole acetic acid and other growth promoting substances on the endogenous respiration of the avena coleoptile - anker
is radicle coleoptile lateral seminal roots.pdf
is radicle coleoptile lateral seminal roots
Barley Coleoptile Peroxidases. Purification, Molecular Cloning, and Induction by Pathogens.pdf
Barley Coleoptile Peroxidases. Purification, Molecular Cloning, and Induction by Pathogens
Metabolic and transcriptional regulatory mechanisms underlying the anoxic adaptation of rice coleoptile.pdf
Metabolic and transcriptional regulatory mechanisms underlying the anoxic adaptation of rice coleoptile

