Pre-Steady State Kinetic Analysis of cis-3-Chloroacrylic Acid Dehalogenase Analysis and Implications.pdf
Pre-Steady State Kinetic Analysis of cis-3-Chloroacrylic Acid Dehalogenase Analysis and Implications
an s188v because mutation alters substrate specificity of non-stereospecific α-haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase e (dehe).pdf
an s188v because mutation alters substrate specificity of non-stereospecific α-haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase e (dehe)
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an effective immobilized haloalkane dehalogenase dhaa from rhodococcus rhodochrous by adsorption, crosslink and pegylation on meso-cellular foam.[2
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biosynthesis of chiral epichlorohydrin using an immobilized halohydrin dehalogenase in aqueous and non-aqueous phase.[2018][bioresour technol][10.1.pdf
biosynthesis of chiral epichlorohydrin using an immobilized halohydrin dehalogenase in aqueous and non-aqueous phase.[2018][bioresour technol][10.1
molecular modification of a halohydrin dehalogenase for kinetic regulation to synthesize optically pure (s)-epichlorohydrin.[2019][bioresour techno.pdf
molecular modification of a halohydrin dehalogenase for kinetic regulation to synthesize optically pure (s)-epichlorohydrin.[2019][bioresour techno

