Generalised Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and cohomology of line bundles on homogeneous vector bundles.pdf
- Generalised Kostka–Foulkes polynomials and cohomology of line bundles on homogeneous vector bundles
Spaces of coinvariants and fusion product I. From equivalence theorem to Kostka polynomials.pdf
- The fusion rule gives the dimensions of spaces of conformal blocks in the WZW ntheory. We prove a dimension formula similar to the fusion rulefor spaces of ncoinvariants of affine Lie algebras g^. An equivalence of filtered spaces is nestablished between spaces of coinvariants of two objects: highest weight ng^-modules and tensor products of finite-dimensional evaluation representations nof..
branching rules, kostka-foulkes polynomials and q -multiplicities in tensor product for the root systems b_{n},c_{n} and d_{n}.pdf
- branching rules, kostka-foulkes polynomials and $q$-multiplicities in tensor product for the root systems $b_{n},c_{n}$ and $d_{n}$
Hilbert series of invariants, constant terms and Kostka-Foulkes polynomials.pdf
- Hilbert series of invariants, constant terms and Kostka–Foulkes polynomials
composition kostka functions.pdf
- composition kostka functions
Blank Jeopardy - Saint Stanislaus Kostka Schoool.ppt
- Blank Jeopardy - Saint Stanislaus Kostka Schoool
Fusion products, cohomology of GL(N) flag manifolds and Kostka n polynomials.pdf
- This paper explains the relation between the fusion product of symmetric npower sl(n) evaluation modules, as defined by Feigin and Loktev, and the graded ncoordinate ring R(mu), which describes the cohomology ring of the flag variety nFl(mu) of GL(N). The graded multiplicity spaces appearing in the decomposition nof the fusion product into irreducible sl(n)-modules are identified with the n..
Branching rules, Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and q -multiplicities in tensor product for the r.pdf
- Branching rules, Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and q -multiplicities in tensor product for the rBranching rules, Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and q -multiplicities in tensor product for the rBranching rules, Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and q -multiplicities in tensor product for the r
- Kostka_Inne_Reh_Geriatr