Solution of Sub, Super, Harmonic and Combination Type Resonant Excitations in Nonlinear Lumped Parameter Systems.pdf
- Solution of Sub, Super, Harmonic and Combination Type Resonant Excitations in Nonlinear Lumped Parameter Systems
the background field method for n = 2 super yang-mills theories in harmonic superspace.pdf
- the background field method for n = 2 super yang-mills theories in harmonic superspace
three dimensional modelling and numerical analysis of super-radiant harmonic emission in an fel (optical klystron).pdf
- three dimensional modelling and numerical analysis of super-radiant harmonic emission in an fel (optical klystron)
Covariant harmonic supergraphity for em class=a-plus-plusNem=2 super Yang-Mills theories.pdf
- Covariant harmonic supergraphity for em class=a-plus-plusNem=2 super Yang-Mills theories
Multi-photon resonance enhanced super high-order harmonic generation.pdf
- This paper proposes highly charged ions pumped by intense laser to produce very high order harmonics. Numerical simulations and full quantum theory of Ne9+ ions driven by laser pulses at 1064 nm in the power range of 10e9 W/cm2~10e15 W/cm2 show that the emission spectrum corresponds to the electronic transitions from the excited states to the ground state, which is very different from the spectrum of general high-order harmonic generation. In such situation,harmonic order as high as 1000 can be obtained without producing lower order harmonics and the energy conversion effeciency is close to general high order harmonic generation of hydrogen atom in the same laser field.
Super Resolution and Better Contrast in Second Harmonic Scanning Optical Microscope with Low Power Laser Beam.pdf
- Super Resolution and Better Contrast in Second Harmonic Scanning Optical Microscope with Low Power Laser Beam
A design of novel type SC magnet for super-high field fMRI by using harmonic analysis method of magnetic vector potentials.pdf
- A design of novel type SC magnet for super-high field fMRI by using harmonic analysis method of magnetic vector potentials
Super-self-duality as analyticity in harmonic superspace.pdf
- Super-self-duality as analyticity in harmonic superspace
Super-Division Harmonic Oscillations in a Nonlinear Multidegree-of-Freedom System.pdf
- In a nonlinear multidegree-of-freedom system subjected to harmonic excitation of frequency ω, a special type of oscillation is expected to occur when the linear combination (1/N)Σ^^k__(i=1)mipi(N=2, 3, 4, ... ; mi=±1, ±2, ...) constructed from the natural frequencies p1, p2, ..., pk of the system is close to ω. This oscillation, if it occurs, contains several harm..
A design of novel type superconducting magnet for super-high field functional magnetic resonance imaging by using the harmonic analysis method of magnetic vector potentials.pdf
- A design of novel type superconducting magnet for super—high field functional magnetic resonance imaging by using the harmonic analysis method of magnetic vector potentials