joint-angle-dependent neuromuscular dysfunctions at the wrist in persons after stroke.pdf
ORIGINALARTICLEJoint-Angle–Dependent Neuromuscular Dysfunctions PersonsAfter StrokeXiaoling Hu, PhD,
wrist blood flow signal-based computerized pulse diagnosis using spatial and spectrum features.pdf
wrist blood flow signal-based computerized pulse diagnosis using spatial and spectrum features
Calibration of wrist-mounted robotic sensors by solving homogeneous transform equations of the form AX=XB.pdf
Calibration of wrist-mounted robotic sensors by solving homogeneous transform equations of the form AX=XB
[Drum] Charley Wilcoxon - Wrist And Finger Stroke Control For The Advanced Drummer.pdf
[Drum] Charley Wilcoxon - Wrist And Finger Stroke Control For The Advanced Drummer
ULNAR NERVE GLIDING EXERCISES - Hand, Wrist, …:尺神经滑动运动的手,手腕,….pdf
ULNAR NERVE GLIDING EXERCISES - Hand, Wrist, …:尺神经滑动运动的手,手腕,…手,神经,运动,尺神经,ulnar,Hand,Nerve,nerve,wrist,Ulnar
Design of a six-axis wrist forcemoment sensor using FEM and its fabrication for an intelligent robot.pdf
133(2007) 27–34ReviewDesign six-axiswrist force/moment sensor using FEMand itsfabrication intelligen
ISB recommendation on definitions of joint coordinate systems of various joints for the reporting of human joint motion-Part II shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.pdf
ISB recommendation on definitions of joint coordinate systems of various joints for the reporting of human joint motion—Part II shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand
WRIST (Wrist Resonator for Independent Stroke Training)(WRIST(用于独立中风训练的腕式共鸣器)).pdf
CALIFORNIA,IRVINE WRIST (Wrist Resonator IndependentStroke Training) THESIS submitted partialsatisfa
design and prototyping of a three degrees of freedom robotic wrist mechanism for a robotic surgery system.pdf
design and prototyping of a three degrees of freedom robotic wrist mechanism for a robotic surgery system

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