The GL(3) mellin transform for twisted non-cuspidal forms of higher level.pdf
The GL(3) mellin transform for twisted non-cuspidal forms of higher level
cuspidal and noncuspidal robot manipulators.pdf
cuspidal and noncuspidal robot manipulators
On a class of rational cuspidal plane curves.pdf
Reduction of cuspidal representations of and symmetric powers.pdf
Reduction of cuspidal representations of and symmetric powers
On cuspidal representations of general linear groups over….pdf
On cuspidal representations of general linear groups over…
201304.4913 Entirety of cuspidal Eisenstein series on loop groups.pdf
In this paper, we prove the entirety of loop group Eisenstein series induced from cusp forms on the underlying finite dimensional group, by demonstrating their absolute convergence on the full complex plane. This is quite in contrast to the finite-dimensional setting, where such series only converge absolutely in a right half plane (and have poles elsewhere coming from L-functions in their constant terms). Our result is the Q-analog of a theorem of A. Braverman and D. Kazhdan from the function field setting, who previously showed the analogous Eisenstein series are finite sums.
Rational cuspidal curves with four cusps on Hirzebruch….pdf
Rational cuspidal curves with four cusps on Hirzebruch…
201309.7467v1 Cuspidal part of an Eisenstein series restricted to an index 2 subfield.pdf
Let E be a quadratic extension of a number field F. Let E(g, s) be an Eisenstein series on GL2(E), and let f be a cuspidal automorphic form on GL2(F). We will consider in this paper the following automorphic integral: ∫_ZAGL2(F) \ GL2(AF) f(g)E(g,s) dg.This is in some sense the complementary case to the well-known Rankin-Selberg integral and the triple product formula. We will approach this integral by Waldspurger´s formula. We will discuss when the integral is automatically zero, and otherwise the L-function it represents. We will calculate local integrals at some ramified places, where the level of the ramification can be arbitrarily large.

