In vitro Culture for Doubled Haploids Tools for Molecular Breeding.pdf
In vitro Culture for Doubled Haploids Tools for Molecular Breeding
Assessment of the value of doubled haploids as progenitors in….pdf
Assessment of the value of doubled haploids as progenitors in…
Development of doubled haploids from an elite indica rice hybrid (BS6444G) using anther culture.pdf
Development of doubled haploids from an elite indica rice hybrid (BS6444G) using anther culture
Cytomorphological studies in x-ray induced glandless haploids inem class=a-plus-plusGossypium hirsutumem L. (cotton).pdf
Cytomorphological studies in x-ray induced glandless haploids inem class=a-plus-plusGossypium hirsutumem L. (cotton)
amounts of hmw glutenin subunits determined by capillary electrophoresis on technological properties in wheat doubled haploids - salmanowicz.pdf
amounts of hmw glutenin subunits determined by capillary electrophoresis on technological properties in wheat doubled haploids - salmanowicz
Production of haploids and doubled haploids in oil palm.pdf
Production of haploids and doubled haploids in oil palm
Induction of haploids and aneuhaploids in colchicine-induced tetraploid em class=a-plus-plusSolanum chacoenseemspan class=a-plus-plus emphasis type-small-capsBittspan.pdf
Induction of haploids and aneuhaploids in colchicine-induced tetraploid em class=a-plus-plusSolanum chacoenseemspan class=a-plus-plus emphasis type-small-capsBittspan
improved procedure for induction of the androgenetic doubled haploids in zebrafish.[2017][zebrafish][10.1089zeb.2017.1482].pdf
improved procedure for induction of the androgenetic doubled haploids in zebrafish.[2017][zebrafish][10.1089zeb.2017.1482]
Hybrid maize breeding with doubled haploids II. Optimum type and number of testers in two-stage selection for general combining ability.pdf
Hybrid maize breeding with doubled haploids II
A study on natural recovery of tassel fertilization and doubling method in maize haploids.[2017][Genet Mol Res][10.4238gmr16019173].pdf
A study on natural recovery of tassel fertilization and doubling method in maize haploids.[2017][Genet Mol Res][10.4238gmr16019173]

