研究生学位论文 钢筋混凝土平面框架计算机(VAX-11 780)辅助设计系统.pdf
研究生学位论文 钢筋混凝土平面框架计算机(VAX-11 780)辅助设计系统
Porting OpenVMS from VAX to Alpha AXP.pdf
The OpenVMS operating system, developed by Digital for the VAX family of computers, was recently moved from the VAX to the Alpha AXP architecture. The Alpha AXP architecture is a new RISC architecture introduced by Digital in <br />1992. This paper describes solutions to several problems in porting the operating system, in addition to performance benefits measured on one of the systems that implements this new architecture. The VAX architecture is an example of complex instruction set computing (CISC), whereas the Alpha AXP architecture is based on reduced instruction set computing (RISC). The two architectures are very different.[1] CISC architectures have performance disadvantages as compared to RISC architectures.[2] Digital ported the OpenVMS system to the Alpha AXP architecture mainly to deliver the performance advantages of RISC to OpenVMS applications. This paper focuses on how Digital´s OpenVMS AXP operating system group dealt with the large volume of VAX assembly
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ada (trade name) compiler validation summary report certificate number 890127s1.10033. digital equipment corporation vax ada version 2.0 vax 8800 host and vax 8800 target(2.49mb)
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guide to accelerator physics program synch vax version 1987. 2 (4.1mb)
igital equipment corporation vax ada, version 1.5. host vax 8800 under vaxvms, version 4.7. target microvax ii under vaxeln toolkit, version 3.0 in combination with vaxeln ada, v...pdf
igital equipment corporation vax ada, version 1.5. host vax 8800 under vaxvms, version 4.7. target microvax ii under vaxeln toolkit, version 3.0 in combination with vaxeln ada, version 1.2(2.58mb)
detailed example of using piwg on the sun workstation and the dec vax computer.pdf
detailed example of using piwg on the sun workstation and the dec vax computer
User´s guide to HYPOINVERSE, a program for VAX computers to….pdf
User´s guide to HYPOINVERSE, a program for VAX computers to…
ada (trade name) compiler validation summary report. systems designers plc, sd vax x motorola mc6800010 ada plus version 2c.00. host vax 8600. target motorola mc6800010(2...pdf
ada (trade name) compiler validation summary report. systems designers plc, sd vax x motorola mc6800010 ada plus version 2c.00. host vax 8600. target motorola mc6800010(2.17mb)
ada compiler validation summary report. certificate number 880616s1. 09146 naval underwater systems center, adavax, version 1.7 w opt, vax 8600 (host) to vax 8600 (target)...pdf
ada compiler validation summary report. certificate number 880616s1. 09146 naval underwater systems center, adavax, version 1.7 w opt, vax 8600 (host) to vax 8600 (target)(2.19mb)

