Ultrasound screening for decentered hips in children with severe cerebral palsy a preliminary evaluation.pdf
Ultrasound screening for decentered hips in children with severe cerebral palsy a preliminary evaluation
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Analytical formula for a decentered elliptical Gaussian beam propagating in a turbulent atmosphere-英文资料
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parameters optimization and phase analysis of decentered grating stretchers
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Target Z-axis Optimized LASIK for 2 Cases with Decentered Ablation
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1995-AO-Power deposited by a Gaussian beam on a decentered circular aperture
1997-AO-Power collection of a laser diode elliptical beam by a decentered circular aperture.pdf
1997-AO-Power collection of a laser diode elliptical beam by a decentered circular aperture
Appl Opt 34 6819 Decentered Gaussian beams.pdf
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