DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. VIII. Add.pdf
DIRECT is a project to obtain directly the distances to two Local Group ngalaxies, M31 and M33, which occupy a crucial position near the bottom of the ncosmological distance ladder. As the first step of the DIRECT project we have nsearched for detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs) and new Cepheids in the M31 and nM33 galaxies with 1m-class telescopes. In this eighth paper we present a ncatalog..
the macho project lmc variable star inventory xii. three cepheid variables in eclipsing binaries.pdf
the macho project lmc variable star inventory xii. three cepheid variables in eclipsing binaries
efficiency of mass transfer in massive close binaries, tests from double-lined eclipsing bi.pdf
efficiency of mass transfer in massive close binaries, tests from double-lined eclipsing bi
the change in the inclination angle of the non-eclipsing binary ss lacertae future eclipses.pdf
the change in the inclination angle of the non-eclipsing binary ss lacertae future eclipses
Wind ionization structure of the short-period eclipsing LMC Wolf-Rayet binary BAT99-129: prel.pdf
BAT99-129 is a rare, short-period eclipsing Wolf-Rayet binary in the Large nMagellanic Cloud. We present here medium-resolution NTT/EMMI spectra that allow nus to disentangle the spectra of the two components and find the orbital nparameters of the binary. We also present VLT/FORS1 spectra of this binary ntaken during the secondary eclipse, i.e. when the companion star passes in nfront of t..
direct distances to nearby galaxies using detached eclipsing binaries and cepheids. v. variables in the field m31f.pdf
direct distances to nearby galaxies using detached eclipsing binaries and cepheids. v. variables in the field m31f
Determination of the elements of eclipsing variables, RW Gem and AY Cam, by Fourier analysis of their light changes.pdf
Determination of the elements of eclipsing variables, RW Gem and AY Cam, by Fourier analysis of their light changes
the eclipsing system ep andromedae and its circumbinary companions.pdf
the eclipsing system ep andromedae and its circumbinary companions

