Phanerozoic high-pressure eclogite and intermediate-pressure granulite facies metamorphism in the Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea Implications for the eastward extension of the Dabie-Sulu continen...pdf
- Phanerozoic high-pressure eclogite and intermediate-pressure granulite facies metamorphism in the Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea Implications for the eastward extension of the Dabie–Sulu continental collision zone
Geochronology of granulite, charnockite and gneiss in the poly-metamorphosed Gaozhou Complex (Yunkai massif), South China Emphasis on the in-situ EMP monazite dating.pdf
- Geochronology of granulite, charnockite and gneiss in the poly-metamorphosed Gaozhou Complex (Yunkai massif), South China Emphasis on the in-situ EMP monazite dating
Resolving the relationship between high P-T rocks and gneisses in collisional terranes an example from the Gfhl gneiss-granulite association in the Moldanubian Zone, Austria.pdf
- Resolving the relationship between high P–T rocks and gneisses in collisional terranes an example from the Gfhl gneiss–granulite association in the Moldanubian Zone, Austria
two-stage granulite formation in a proterozoic magmatic arc (ongole domain of the eastern ghats belt, india) part 1:在元古代岩浆弧的两阶段的麻粒岩形成(ongole域ghats东部,印度)1. petro...pdf
- two-stage granulite formation in a proterozoic magmatic arc (ongole domain of the eastern ghats belt, india) part 1:在元古代岩浆弧的两阶段的麻粒岩形成(ongole域ghats东部,印度)1. petrology and pressure–temperature evolution
Temperatures of Granulite-facies Metamorphism Constraints….pdf
- Temperatures of Granulite-facies Metamorphism Constraints…
Low-pressure regional amphibolite-facies to granulite-facies.pdf
- Low-pressure regional amphibolite-facies to granulite-facies
Petrology and geochemistry of granulite xenoliths beneath the….pdf
- Petrology and geochemistry of granulite xenoliths beneath the…
The Sklene garnet peridotite petrology, geochemistry, and structure of a mantle-derived boudin in Moldanubian granulite.doc
- The Sklené garnet peridotite petrology, geochemistry, and structure of a mantle-derived boudin in Moldanubian granulite
data on the age of ultrametamorphic granitoids of the Aldan granulite area (Eastern Siberia), consequences of metamorphic processes and possibilities of regional correlations of geological ...pdf
- data on the age of ultrametamorphic granitoids of the Aldan granulite area (Eastern Siberia), consequences of metamorphic processes and possibilities of regional correlations of geological events