How the Prohormone Theory Solved Two Important Controversies in Hormonal and Neural Peptide Biosynthesis.pdf
How the Prohormone Theory Solved Two Important Controversies in Hormonal and Neural Peptide Biosynthesis
O8 Une deficience partielle en prohormone convertase 1 confere une augmentation du risque de l'obesite.pdf
O8 Une déficience partielle en prohormone convertase 1 confère une augmentation du risque de l’obésité
Value of the N-terminal of prohormone brain natriuretic peptide in diagnosis of Kawasaki disease英文资料.pdf
Value of the N-terminal of prohormone brain natriuretic peptide in diagnosis of Kawasaki disease英文资料
the transmembrane domain of the prohormone convertase pc3 a key motif for the targeting to the regulated secretory pathway.pdf
the transmembrane domain of the prohormone convertase pc3 a key motif for the targeting to the regulated secretory pathway
amontillado, the Drosophila homolog of the prohormone processing protease PC2, is required during embryogenesis and early larval development.pdf
amontillado, the Drosophila homolog of the prohormone processing protease PC2, is required during embryogenesis and early larval development
measurement of secretory vesicle ph reveals intravesicular alkalinization by vesicular also monoamine transporter type 2 resulting in inhibition of prohormone cleavage.pdf
measurement of secretory vesicle ph reveals intravesicular alkalinization by vesicular also monoamine transporter type 2 resulting in inhibition of prohormone cleavage
Processing of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) precursor proteins by prohormone convertases (PCs) and its implications.pdf
Processing of fish Ig heavy chain transcripts Diverse splicing patterns and unusual nonsense mediated decay

