ranked set sub sampling the non response strata for estimating the difference of means.pdf
ranked set sub sampling the non response strata for estimating the difference of means
Perfect reconstruction formulas and bounds on aliasing error in sub-Nyquist nonuniform sampling of multiband signals.pdf
Perfect reconstruction formulas and bounds on aliasing error in sub-Nyquist nonuniform sampling of multiband signalsPerfect reconstruction formulas and bounds on aliasing error in sub-Nyquist nonuniform sampling of multiband signalsPerfect reconstruction formulas and bounds on aliasing error in sub-Nyquist nonuniform sampling of multiband signals
Recruiting hard-to-reach United States population sub-groups via adaptations of snowball sampling strategy.pdf
Recruiting hard-to-reach United States population sub-groups via adaptations of snowball sampling strategy
a high bandwidth power scalable sub-sampling 10-bit pipelined adc with embedded sample and hold.pdf
a high bandwidth power scalable sub-sampling 10-bit pipelined adc with embedded sample and hold
A 132 Mbs, 1bit 4224 M sampless sub-sampling, low-complexity and energy-efficient BPSK transceiver for all-digital 3-5 GHz IR-UWB.pdf
A 132 Mbs, 1bit 4224 M sampless sub-sampling, low-complexity and energy-efficient BPSK transceiver for all-digital 3–5 GHz IR-UWB
a critical assessment of hidden markov model sub-optimal sampling strategies applied to the generation of peptide 3d mod.隐马尔可夫模型的关键评估最优抽样策略应用于多肽的生成三维模型.pdf
a critical assessment of hidden markov model sub-optimal sampling strategies applied to the generation of peptide 3d mod.隐马尔可夫模型的关键评估最优抽样策略应用于多肽的生成三维模型
bayesian sensitivity analyses for hidden sub-populations in weighted sampling.pdf
bayesian sensitivity analyses for hidden sub-populations in weighted sampling

