Catalytic, regioselective, and green methods for rearrangement of 1,2-diaryl epoxides to carbonyl compounds employing metallic triflates, Brnsted-acidic ionic liquids (ILs), and ILmicrowa...pdf
- Catalytic, regioselective, and green methods for rearrangement of 1,2-diaryl epoxides to carbonyl compounds employing metallic triflates, Brnsted-acidic ionic liquids (ILs), and ILmicrowave; experimen
facile co2 cycloaddition to epoxides by using a tetracarbonyl metal selenotungstate derivate [{mn(co)3}4(se2w11o43)](8).[2018][inorg chem][10.1021_.pdf
- facile co2 cycloaddition to epoxides by using a tetracarbonyl metal selenotungstate derivate [{mn(co)3}4(se2w11o43)](8).[2018][inorg chem][10.1021_
《有机化学精品教学》(汕头大学)chap 8 ethers,epoxides(2012b).ppt
- 《有机化学精品教学》(汕头大学)chap 8 ethers,epoxides(2012b)
palladium-catalyzed synthesis of nucleoside adducts these from bay and fjord region diol epoxides.pdf
- palladium-catalyzed synthesis of nucleoside adducts these from bay and fjord region diol epoxides
Recent developments in the asymmetric hydrolytic ring opening of epoxides catalysed by microbial epoxide hydrolase.pdf
- Recent developments in the asymmetric hydrolytic ring opening of epoxides catalysed by microbial epoxide hydrolase
The docking of chiral epoxides on the Whelk-O1 stationary phase A molecular dynamics study.pdf
- The docking of chiral epoxides on the Whelk-O1 stationary phase A molecular dynamics study
specific dna adducts induced by some mono-substitued epoxides in vitro and in vivo:特定的dna加合物的单取代的环氧化物的体外和体内诱导.pdf
- specific dna adducts induced by some mono-substitued epoxides in vitro and in vivo:特定的dna加合物的单取代的环氧化物的体外和体内诱导