Reconfigurable RF MEMS Phased Array Antenna Integrated within a liquid crystal polymer system-on-package.pdf
For the first time, a fully integrated phased array antenna with RF MEMS switches on a flexible, organic substrate is demonstrated above 10 GHz. A Low Noise Amplifier (LNA),
MEMS phase shifter, and 2x2 patch antenna array are integrated into a system-on-package (SOP) on a liquid crystal polymer substrate. Two antenna arrays are compared; one implemented using a single-layer SOP and the second with a multi-layer SOP. Both implementations are low-loss and capable of 12o of beam steering. The design frequency is 14 GHz and the measured return loss is greater than 12 dB for both implementations. The use of an LNA allows for a much higher radiated power level. These antennas can be customized to meet almost any size, frequency, and performance needed. This research furthers the
state-of-the-art for organic SOP devices.
Recryptor A Reconfigurable Cryptographic Cortex-M0 Processor With In-Memory and Near-Memory Computing for IoT Security.pdf
IEEEJOURNAL SOLID-STATECIRCUITS, VOL. 53, NO. APRIL2018 995Recryptor: ReconfigurableCryptographicCort
用于铣削,磨削和抛光的数控机床外文文献原文Reconfigurable machine tool CNC machine for milling, grinding and polishing.doc
用于铣削,磨削和抛光的数控机床外文文献原文Reconfigurable machine tool CNC machine for milling, grinding and polishing用于铣削,磨削和抛光的数控机床外文文献原文Reconfigurable machine tool CNC machine for milling, grinding and polishing用于铣削,磨削和抛光的数控机床外文文献原文Reconfigurable machine tool CNC machine for milling, grinding and polishing
JSSC_2018_01_A Noise Reconfigurable All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop Using a Switched Capacitor-Based Frequency-Locked Loop and a Noise Detector.pdf
JSSC_2018_01_A Noise Reconfigurable All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop Using a Switched Capacitor-Based Frequency-Locked Loop and a Noise DetectorJSSC_2018_01_A Noise Reconfigurable All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop Using a Switched Capacitor-Based Frequency-Locked Loop and a Noise DetectorJSSC_2018_01_A Noise Reconfigurable All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop Using a Switched Capacitor-Based Frequency-Locked Loop and a Noise Detector
空间机械臂在轨快换高精度模块化关节的研制 design of space manipulator on-orbital reconfigurable high accuracy modular joint.pdf
空间机械臂在轨快换高精度模块化关节的研制 design of space manipulator on-orbital reconfigurable high accuracy modular joint
Construction and modeling of a reconfigurable MRI coil for lowering SAR in patients with deep brain stimulation implants.建设和建模的可重构核磁共振线圈降低SAR脑深部电刺激患者植入.pdf
Author’sAccepted ManuscriptConstruction reconfigurableMRIcoil loweringSAR deepbrainstimulation impla
Building Reconfigurable Devices Using Complex Liquid-Fluid Interfaces(使用复杂的液体界面构建可重新配置的设备).pdf
Building Reconfigurable Devices Using Complex Liquid-Fluid Interfaces(使用复杂的液体界面构建可重新配置的设备)
Wideband Reconfigurable Blocker Tolerant Receiver for Cognitive Radio Applications.pdf
Wideband Reconfigurable Blocker Tolerant Receiver for Cognitive Radio Applications
A Reconfigurable Low Noise Amplifier for a Multi-standard….pdf
A Reconfigurable Low Noise Amplifier for a Multi-standard…
design and synthesis techniques for reconfigurable microwave filters using single and dual-mode resonators.pdf

