behavioural plasticity associated with propagule size, resources, and the invasion success of the argentine ant linepithema humile - sagata.pdf
- behavioural plasticity associated with propagule size, resources, and the invasion success of the argentine ant linepithema humile - sagata
seasonal changes in temperature response of photosynthesis and its contribution to annual carbon gain in daphniphyllum humile, an evergreen understorey shrub - katahata.pdf
- seasonal changes in temperature response of photosynthesis and its contribution to annual carbon gain in daphniphyllum humile, an evergreen understorey shrub - katahata
an oral bioassay for the toxicity of hydramethylnon to individual workers and queens of argentine ants, linepithema humile - hooper-b ugrave;i.pdf
- an oral bioassay for the toxicity of hydramethylnon to individual workers and queens of argentine ants, linepithema humile - hooper-b
long-term dynamics of the distribution of the invasive argentine ant, linepithema humile, and native ant taxa in northern california.[2001][oecolog.pdf
- long-term dynamics of the distribution of the invasive argentine ant, linepithema humile, and native ant taxa in northern california.[2001][oecolog
flexibility in nest density and social structure in invasive populations of the argentine ant, linepithema humile.[2002][oecologia][10.1007s00442-0.pdf
- flexibility in nest density and social structure in invasive populations of the argentine ant, linepithema humile.[2002][oecologia][10.1007s00442-0
cal control of the pine processionary moth thaumetopoea pityocampa (den. amp; schiff.) by the argentine ant linepithema humile (mayr) in portugal - way - 2001 - agricultural...pdf
- cal control of the pine processionary moth thaumetopoea pityocampa (den.
Effects of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile on seed….pdf
- Effects of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile on seed…
Can the Argentine ant ( Linepithema humile Mayr) replace….pdf
- Can the Argentine ant ( Linepithema humile Mayr) replace…