interhospital provision of emergency vascular services for a large population early outcomes and clinical results.pdf
interhospital provision of emergency vascular services for a large population early outcomes and clinical results
a 10 x2010;year retrospective study of interhospital patient transport using inhaled nitric oxide in norway.pdf
a 10
meeting the standards for interhospital transfer of adults with severe head injury in the united kingdom.pdf
meeting the standards for interhospital transfer of adults with severe head injury in the united kingdom
does interhospital transfer improve outcome of acute myocardial infarction a propensity score analysis from the cardiovascular cooperative project.pdf
does interhospital transfer improve outcome of acute myocardial infarction a propensity score analysis from the cardiovascular cooperative project
Clinical course and long-term outcome following venoarterial extracorporeal life support-facilitated interhospital transfer of patients with circulatory failure.pdf
Clinical course and long-term outcome following venoarterial extracorporeal life support-facilitated interhospital transfer of patients with circulatory failure
bayesian exponential random graph modelling of interhospital patient referral networks.[2017][stat med][10.1002sim.7301].pdf
bayesian exponential random graph modelling of interhospital patient referral networks.[2017][stat med][10.1002sim.7301]
rates, predictors and variability of interhospital transfers a national evaluation.[2017][j hosp med][10.12788jhm.2747].pdf
rates, predictors and variability of interhospital transfers a national evaluation.[2017][j hosp med][10.12788jhm.2747]

