effects of some insecticides on mustard aphid, lipaphis erysimi kalt. (homop. aphididae) - srivastava.pdf
- effects of some insecticides on mustard aphid, lipaphis erysimi kalt. (homop. aphididae) - srivastava
effects of host plants on population dynamics of lipaphis erysimi (kalt.) in the field - gu.pdf
- effects of host plants on population dynamics of lipaphis erysimi (kalt.) in the field - gu
76. b. kalt und a. schulz uuml;ber r uuml;ckschlagsindividuen mit spelzweizeneigenschaften bei nacktweizen der emmerreihe des weizens.pdf
- 76. b. kalt und a. schulz
Relative Occurrence and Abundance of Mustard Aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) and Their Predators on Rainbow and Oscar Canola Varieties.pdf
- Relative Occurrence and Abundance of Mustard Aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) and Their Predators on Rainbow and Oscar Canola Varieties
sexual generation and overwintering of the peach leaf curling aphid brachycaudus helichrysi (kalt.) in himachal pradesh, india - gupta.pdf
- sexual generation and overwintering of the peach leaf curling aphid brachycaudus helichrysi (kalt.) in himachal pradesh, india - gupta
a new gene from rubus occidentalis l. for resistance to strains 1, 2, and 3 of the rubus aphid, amphorophora rubi kalt.pdf
- a new gene from rubus occidentalis l. for resistance to strains 1, 2, and 3 of the rubus aphid, amphorophora rubi kalt
f aphid mdash; sitobion fragariae (wlk.), macrosiphum funestum (macch.) and amphorophora rubi (kalt.) (hemiptera aphididae) mdash; by electrophoresis - ...pdf
- f aphid
new insecticidal formulation for the control of lipaphis erysimi (kalt) (homoptera aphididae) - srivastava - 2009 - zeitschrift f uuml;r angewandte entomologie.pdf
- new insecticidal formulation for the control of lipaphis erysimi (kalt) (homoptera aphididae) - srivastava - 2009 - zeitschrift f
sponse of diaeretiella rapae (m´intosh) (hym., aphidiidae), a parasitoid of the mustard aphid lipaphis erysimi kalt. (hom., aphididae) - pandey - 2009 - zei...pdf
- sponse of diaeretiella rapae (m´intosh) (hym., aphidiidae), a parasitoid of the mustard aphid lipaphis erysimi kalt. (hom., aphididae) - pandey - 2009 - zeitschrift f