detection of airway obstruction from frequency distribution feature of lung sounds with small power of abnormal sounds.pdf
detection of airway obstruction from frequency distribution feature of lung sounds with small power of abnormal sounds
detection of airway obstruction from frequency distribution feature of lung sounds with small power of abnormal sounds.pdf
detection of airway obstruction from frequency distribution feature of lung sounds with small power of abnormal sounds
Computerized lung sound analysis as diagnostic aid for the detection of abnormal lung sounds A systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
Computerized lung sound analysis as diagnostic aid for the detection of abnormal lung sounds A systematic review and meta-analysisComputerized lung sound analysis as diagnostic aid for the detection of abnormal lung sounds A systematic review and meta-analysisComputerized lung sound analysis as diagnostic aid for the detection of abnormal lung sounds A systematic review and meta-analysis
lung sounds.pdf
lung soundslung soundslung sounds
Monitoring and analysis of lung sounds remotely.pdf
Monitoring and analysis of lung sounds remotely
Assessing Lung Sounds.doc
Assessing Lung Sounds
Heart Sounds, Lung Sounds, & Bowel Sounds.ppt
Heart Sounds, Lung Sounds, & Bowel Sounds
reduction of heart sounds from lung sound recordings by automated gain control and adaptive filtering techniques(142.08kb).pdf
reduction of heart sounds from lung sound recordings by automated gain control and adaptive filtering techniques(142.08kb)
Effect of ambient respiratory noise on the measurement of lung sounds.pdf
Effect of ambient respiratory noise on the measurement of lung sounds

向豆丁求助:有没有lung sounds?
