evidence from olivine-hosted melt inclusions that the martian mantle has a chondritic dh ratio and that some young basalts have assimilated old crust.pdf
evidence from olivine-hosted melt inclusions that the martian mantle has a chondritic dh ratio and that some young basalts have assimilated old crust
Comment on A non-primitive origin of near-chondritic SSeTe ratios in mantle peridotites Implications for the Earth´s late accretionary history by Knig S. et al. [Earth Planet....pdf
Comment on A non-primitive origin of near-chondritic SSeTe ratios in mantle peridotites Implications for the Earth´s late accretionary history by Knig S. et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 385 (2014) 110–121]
Reply to the comment on A non-primitive origin of near-chondritic S-Se-Te ratios in mantle peridotites Implications for the Earth´s late accretionary history by Knig S. et al. [E...pdf
PlanetaryScience Letters 417 (2015) 167–169Contents lists available PlanetaryScience Letterswww.else
Dating Collisional Events 36Cl-36Ar Exposure Ages of H-Chondritic Metals.pdf
Dating Collisional Events 36Cl–36Ar Exposure Ages of H-Chondritic Metals
Nitrogen in chondritic metal.pdf
Nitrogen in chondritic metal
The negligible chondritic contribution in the lunar soils….pdf
The negligible chondritic contribution in the lunar soils…

