Non-coding RNAs in human disease - Valadkhan Lab非编码RNA在人类疾病valadkhan实验室.pdf
Non-coding RNAs in human disease - Valadkhan Lab非编码RNA在人类疾病valadkhan实验室
nbt.3715-Genome-scale deletion screening of human long non-coding RNAs using a paired-guide RNA CRISPR-Cas9 library.pdf
nbt.3715-Genome-scale deletion screening of human long non-coding RNAs using a paired-guide RNA CRISPR–Cas9 librarynbt.3715-Genome-scale deletion screening of human long non-coding RNAs using a paired-guide RNA CRISPR–Cas9 librarynbt.3715-Genome-scale deletion screening of human long non-coding RNAs using a paired-guide RNA CRISPR–Cas9 library
第二军医大学血清长链非编码RNAs作为伴乙PJT£JT癌早期诊 断标记物的研究 Serum 1ncRNAs Profiles Serve NovelBiomarkers EarlyDiagnosis
Non-Coding RNAs Molecular Biology and Molecular Medicine-[1]-[Jan Barciszewski, Volker A Erdmann].pdf
Non-Coding RNAs Molecular Biology and Molecular Medicine-[1]-[Jan Barciszewski, Volker A Erdmann]
[2010][Nature]New class of gene-termini-associated human RNAs suggests a novel RNA copying mechanism.pdf
Novelclass humanRNAs associated geneterminisuggests uncharacterizedRNA copying mechanismPhilipp Kapr
circulating noncoding rnas as biomarkers of cardiovascular disease and injury.[2017][circulation research][10.1161circresaha.116.308434].pdf
circulating noncoding rnas as biomarkers of cardiovascular disease and injury.[2017][circulation research][10.1161circresaha.116.308434]
Construction of full-length cDNA clones of cucumber mosaic virus RNAs 1, 2 and 3 Generation of infectious RNA transcripts.pdf
Construction of full-length cDNA clones of cucumber mosaic virus RNAs 1, 2 and 3 Generation of infectious RNA transcripts
improving crispr-cas specificity with chemical modifications in single-guide rnas.[2017][nucleic acids res][10.1093nargkx1199].pdf
improving crispr-cas specificity with chemical modifications in single-guide rnas.[2017][nucleic acids res][10.1093nargkx1199]
