Statistically based splicing detection reveals neural enrichment and tissue-specific induction of circular RNA during human fetal development.pdf
Statistically based splicing detection reveals neural enrichment and tissue-specific induction of circular RNA during human fetal development
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HapMonster A Statistically Unified Approach for Variant Calling and Haplotyping Based on Phase-Informative Reads
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Micromechanical modelling of ceramic based composites with statistically representative synthetic microstructures
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A modified DOI-based method to statistically estimate the depth of investigation of dc resistivity surveys
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statistically assisted routing algorithms (sara) for hop count based forwarding in wireless sensor networks
A Statistically Based Thermal Conductivity Model for PEMFC Gas….pdf
A Statistically Based Thermal Conductivity Model for PEMFC Gas…
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mining statistically significant substrings based on the chi-square measure
statistically based quarterly earnings expectation models for nonseasonal firms.pdf
statistically based quarterly earnings expectation models for nonseasonal firms

