Deficit irrigation without reducing yield or nut splitting in pistachio (Pistacia vera cv Kerman on Pistacia terebinthus L.).pdf
Deficit irrigation without reducing yield or nut splitting in pistachio (Pistacia vera cv Kerman on Pistacia terebinthus L.)
efficiency of sample-based indices for spatial pattern recognition of wild pistachio(pistacia atlantica) trees in semi-arid woodlands.pdf
efficiency of sample-based indices for spatial pattern recognition of wild pistachio(pistacia atlantica) trees in semi-arid woodlands
assessment of phenolic profile and antioxidant power of five pistachio (pistacia vera) cultivars collected from four geographical regions of iran.[.pdf
assessment of phenolic profile and antioxidant power of five pistachio (pistacia vera) cultivars collected from four geographical regions of iran.[
panicle and shoot blight of pistachio a major threat to the穗和茎枯病的开心果的一大威胁.pdf
panicle and shoot blight of pistachio a major threat to the穗和茎枯病的开心果的一大威胁
Pomegranate seed pulp, pistachio hulls, and tomato pomace as replacement of wheat bran increased milk conjugated linoleic acid concentrations without adverse effects on ruminal fermentation and perf...pdf
Pomegranate seed pulp, pistachio hulls, and tomato pomace as replacement of wheat bran increased milk conjugated linoleic acid concentrations without adverse effects on ruminal fermentation and performance of Saanen dairy goats
pistachio (pistacia vera var kerman) from argentinean cultivars:开心果(阿月浑子var argentinean品种kerman)from. a natural product with potential to improve human health.pdf
pistachio (pistacia vera var kerman) from argentinean cultivars:开心果(阿月浑子var argentinean品种kerman)from. a natural product with potential to improve human health

