Common variants at the MHC locus and at chromosome 16q24.1 predispose to Barrett's esophagus.pdf
- Common variants at the MHC locus and at chromosome 16q24.1 predispose to Barrett’s esophagus
Genetic ablation of the Bmpr2 gene in pulmonary endothelium is sufficient to predispose to pulmonary arterial hypertension.pdf
- Genetic ablation of the Bmpr2 gene in pulmonary endothelium is sufficient to predispose to pulmonary arterial hypertension
A Stem Cell-Like Chromatin Pattern May Predispose Tumor Suppressor Genes to DNA Hypermethylation and Silencing in Adult Cancers.pdf
- A Stem Cell-Like Chromatin Pattern May Predispose Tumor Suppressor Genes to DNA Hypermethylation and Silencing in Adult Cancers
Induction of Cytoplasmic Accumulation of p53 A Mechanism for Low Levels of Arsenic Exposure to Predispose Cells for Malignant Transformation.pdf
- Induction of Cytoplasmic Accumulation of p53 A Mechanism for Low Levels of Arsenic Exposure to Predispose Cells for Malignant Transformation
CDKN2A and BAP1 germline mutations predispose to melanoma and mesothelioma.CDKN2A BAP1遗传突变导致黑色素瘤和间皮瘤.pdf
- CDKN2A and BAP1 germline mutations predispose to melanoma and mesothelioma.CDKN2A BAP1遗传突变导致黑色素瘤和间皮瘤
Age-Related Modulations of AQP4 and Caveolin-1 in the Hippocampus Predispose the Toxic Effect of Phoneutria nigriventer Spider VenomInternational jou.pdf
- Age-Related Modulations of AQP4 and Caveolin-1 in the Hippocampus Predispose the Toxic Effect of Phoneutria nigriventer Spider VenomInternational jouof,in, ,AQP4,and,Age,the,The,Aging,age
abcb4 missense mutations d243a, k435t, g535d, i490t, r545c, and s978p significantly impair the lipid floppase and likely predispose to secondary patho.pdf
- abcb4 missense mutations d243a, k435t, g535d, i490t, r545c, and s978p significantly impair the lipid floppase and likely predispose to secondary patho
lt;em gt;trans lt;em gt; heterodimer between two non-arthritis-associated hla alleles can predispose to arthritis in humanized mice.pdf
- lt;em gt;trans lt;em gt; heterodimer between two non–arthritis-associated hla alleles can predispose to arthritis in humanized micelt;em gt;trans lt;em gt; heterodimer between two non–arthritis-associated hla alleles can predispose to arthritis in humanized micelt;em gt;trans lt;em gt; heterodimer between two non–arthritis-associated hla alleles can predispose to arthritis in humanized mice
Chronic stress exposure may affect the brain´s response to high calorie food cues and predispose to obesogenic eating habits.pdf
- Chronic stress exposure may affect the brain´s response to high calorie food cues and predispose to obesogenic eating habits