ordered array of single adatoms with remarkable thermal stability aufe3o4(001).pdf
ordered array of single adatoms with remarkable thermal stability aufe3o4(001)
Localized charge polarization by less-coordination Rh adatoms, step edges, and added rows.pdf
Localized charge polarization by less-coordination Rh adatoms, step edges, and added rowsLocalized charge polarization by less-coordination Rh adatoms, step edges, and added rowsLocalized charge polarization by less-coordination Rh adatoms, step edges, and added rows
a surface coordination network based on substrate-derived metal adatoms with local charge excess.pdf
a surface coordination network based on substrate-derived metal adatoms with local charge excess
fe adatoms along bi lines on hsi(001) patterning atomic magnetic chains.pdf
fe adatoms along bi lines on hsi(001) patterning atomic magnetic chains
metal adatoms generated by the co-play of melamine assembly and subsequent co adsorption.pdf
metal adatoms generated by the co-play of melamine assembly and subsequent co adsorption
Surface diffusion and sticking coefficient of adatoms to atomic steps during molecular beam epitaxy growth.pdf
Surface diffusion and sticking coefficient of adatoms to atomic steps during molecular beam epitaxy growth
Structure and magnetism of Mn, Fe, or Co adatoms on monolayer and bilayer black phosphorus.pdf
Structure and magnetism of Mn, Fe, or Co adatoms on monolayer and bilayer black phosphorus
ab initio study of spin-dependent transport in carbon nanotubes with iron and vanadium adatoms.pdf
ab initio study of spin-dependent transport in carbon nanotubes with iron and vanadium adatoms
On the specific features of work function coverage dependence for Na adatoms on the Cs substrate.pdf
On the specific features of work function coverage dependence for Na adatoms on the Cs substrate

