Reduced-order models for parameter dependent geometries based on shape sensitivity analysis.pdf
Reduced-order models for parameter dependent geometries based on shape sensitivity analysisReduced-order models for parameter dependent geometries based on shape sensitivity analysisReduced-order models for parameter dependent geometries based on shape sensitivity analysis
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a regularity theorem for certain 2nth-order nonlinear differential operator with a parameter
Spinodal decomposition in systems with initially quenched fluctuations of the order parameter.pdf
Spinodal decomposition in systems with initially quenched fluctuations of the order parameter
Semi-parametric Estimation of the Second Order Parameter in Statistics of Extremes.pdf
Semi-parametric Estimation of the Second Order Parameter in Statistics of Extremes
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growth kinetics in the $φ^6$ n-component model. conserved order parameter
corrections to scaling in the phase-ordering dynamics of a vector order parameter.pdf
corrections to scaling in the phase-ordering dynamics of a vector order parameter
order-parameter flow in the sk spin-glass ii inclusion of microscopic memory effects.pdf
order-parameter flow in the sk spin-glass ii inclusion of microscopic memory effects
Bound State and Order Parameter Mixing Effect by Nonmagnetic Impurity Scattering in Two-ban.pdf
Bound State and Order Parameter Mixing Effect by Nonmagnetic Impurity Scattering in Two-ban.pdfBound State and Order Parameter Mixing Effect by Nonmagnetic Impurity Scattering in Two-ban.pdfBound State and Order Parameter Mixing Effect by Nonmagnetic Impurity Scattering in Two-ban.pdf
Bound State and Order Parameter Mixing Effect by Nonmagnetic Impurity Scattering in Two-ban.pdf
Bound State and Order Parameter Mixing Effect by Nonmagnetic Impurity Scattering in Two-ban

