Call type-specific differences in vocalization-related afferents to the periaqueductal gray of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus).pdf
Call type-specific differences in vocalization-related afferents to the periaqueductal gray of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
Individual differences in food cue responsivity are associated with acute and repeated cocaine-induced vocalizations, but not cue-induced vocalization.pdf
Individual differences in food cue responsivity are associated with acute and repeated cocaine-induced vocalizations, but not cue-induced vocalizationin, ,In,food,cue,are,Food,with,acute,Cues
distress vocalization delay in the neonate lamb as a neurobehavioral assessment tool.[2017][dev psychobiol][10.1002dev.21517].pdf
distress vocalization delay in the neonate lamb as a neurobehavioral assessment tool.[2017][dev psychobiol][10.1002dev.21517]
the chick´s preference for certain features of the maternal cluck vocalization in the domestic fowl (gallus gallus).pdf
the chick´s preference for certain features of the maternal cluck vocalization in the domestic fowl (gallus gallus)
eliciting and analyzing male mouse ultrasonic vocalization (usv) songs.[2017][j vis exp][10.379154137].pdf
eliciting and analyzing male mouse ultrasonic vocalization (usv) songs.[2017][j vis exp][10.379154137]
the effect of infant vocalization in alloparental responsiveness of common marmosets(callithrix jacchus).[2017][am j primatol][10.1002ajp.22682].pdf
the effect of infant vocalization in alloparental responsiveness of common marmosets(callithrix jacchus).[2017][am j primatol][10.1002ajp.22682]
sex differences in vocalization are reflected by event-related potential components in the music frog.[2020][10.1007_s10071-020-01350-x].pdf
sex differences in vocalization are reflected by event-related potential components in the music frog.[2020][10.1007_s10071-020-01350-x]
ultrasonic vocalization in rats self-administering heroin and cocaine in different settings evidence of substance-specif.超声波在大鼠自主发声海洛因和可卡因在不同背景下的证据subs.pdf
ultrasonic vocalization in rats self-administering heroin and cocaine in different settings evidence of substance-specif.超声波在大鼠自主发声海洛因和可卡因在不同背景下的证据subs

