'Lord Devlin and the Enforcement of Morals.pdf
YaleLaw Journal Company, Inc.Lord Devlin MoralsAuthor(s):Ronald DworkinReviewed work(s):Source: Yale
《指环王1:魔戒再现 The Lord of the Rings- The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 》英中对照剧本.wps
Ring(2001) 》英中对照剧本 吉尔蕾之墓(“我将希望留给了杜内丹人,自己没有留下一分”) She wanted protecther child. 她只是想保护她的孩子 She thought
Sir William Scott, Lord Stowell, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, 1798-1828.pdf
Product Description:

Sir William Scott´s thirty years as judge of the High Court of Admiralty provide the basis of his reputation as the greatest of civilian (as opposed to common) lawyers. In this major study, the first for over seventy years, Professor Bourguignon analyzes his work as judge of the admiralty court in the light of the little-known, unpublished body of law which had been developed prior to his appointment. His term of office coincided with the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, and thus Scott had to bear and determine hundreds of cases involving the capture of vessels in time of war. These prize cases provided Scott with the opportunity to state and develop many aspects of the international law of war, especially the law of neutral and belligerent rights at sea. He also influenced the development of admiralty law in the cases, which he heard of private disputes concerning maritime commerce.
lord of the flies 蝇王(课堂ppt).ppt
FliesWilliamGolding11. Author2. Background5. Symbolism6. Theme3. Plot4. Protagonists7. Writing style
Outline for Lord of the Flies Literary Analysis - Wikispaces.doc
FliesLiterary Analysis Character Essay Assignment: Use evidence from disproveGolding’s belief itsmem
"Lord Randall" and "Get Up & Bar the Door".ppt
“Lord Randall” and “Get Up & Bar the Door”
霍华德.肖恩 《指环王》双塔奇兵 插曲 人声吉他与钢琴谱 Howard Shore - The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers 乐谱.pdf
霍华德·肖恩 《指环王》双塔奇兵 插曲 人声吉他与钢琴谱 Howard Shore - The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers 乐谱霍华德·肖恩 《指环王》双塔奇兵 插曲 人声吉他与钢琴谱 Howard Shore - The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers 乐谱霍华德·肖恩 《指环王》双塔奇兵 插曲 人声吉他与钢琴谱 Howard Shore - The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers 乐谱
FliesWilliamGolding11. Author2. Background5. Symbolism6. Theme3. Plot4. Protagonists7. Writing style

向豆丁求助:有没有Inertia - The Lord?
