diluted chirality dependence in edge rough graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistors.pdf
diluted chirality dependence in edge rough graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistors
large magnetoresistance from long-range interface coupling in armchair graphene nanoribbon junctions.pdf
large magnetoresistance from long-range interface coupling in armchair graphene nanoribbon junctions
Effect of microwave-assisted silanization on sensing properties of silicon nanoribbon FETs.pdf
Effect of microwave-assisted silanization on sensing properties of silicon nanoribbon FETs
the deformation effect on the electronic structure of the graphite nanoribbon arrays.pdf
the deformation effect on the electronic structure of the graphite nanoribbon arrays
Graphene nanoribbon tunnel field effect transistor with lightly doped drain Numerical simulations.pdf
Graphene nanoribbon tunnel field effect transistor with lightly doped drain Numerical simulations
performance analysis of boron nitride embedded armchair graphene nanoribbon mosfet with stone wales defects.pdf
performance analysis of boron nitride embedded armchair graphene nanoribbon mosfet with stone wales defects
A microwave synthesized CuxS and graphene oxide nanoribbon composite as a highly efficient counter electrode for quantum.微波合成CuxS和石墨烯氧化物nanoribbon复合高效的.pdf
A microwave synthesized CuxS and graphene oxide nanoribbon composite as a highly efficient counter electrode for quantum.微波合成CuxS和石墨烯氧化物nanoribbon复合高效的
effect of edge roughness on electronic transport in graphene nanoribbon channel metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors.pdf
effect of edge roughness on electronic transport in graphene nanoribbon channel metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors
synergistic enhancement of electrocatalytic co2 reduction with gold nanoparticles embedded in functional graphene nanoribbon composite electrodes.[201.pdf
synergistic enhancement of electrocatalytic co2 reduction with gold nanoparticles embedded in functional graphene nanoribbon composite electrodes.[201
DNA base-specific modulation of μA transverse edge currents through a metallic graphene nanoribbon with a nanopore.pdf
DNA base-specific modulation of μA transverse edge currents through a metallic graphene nanoribbon with a nanopore

